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S$ 15.45SGDshow more
S$ 16.47SGDshow more

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Banks and money transfer companies offer different rates and transfer fees depending on how much you transfer
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Join over 100,000 monthly users saving thousands by finding and comparing exchange rates and fees for their next international transfers. All it takes is a few taps or clicks to compare and select the lowest fees and rates available.

$57.5M saved & counting
$57.5M saved & counting
More than 1.8 million satisfied visitors have saved over $57.5M on currency so far.
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Never get ripped off again
We’ve partnered with the largest, safest and most trusted money currency brands in the world.
No added costs, no mark up
No added costs, no mark up
Our referral fees don’t affect what you pay. Our exchange expertise is 100% free.
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Make smarter decisions
Use our growing money transfer comparison tools and make confident buying decisions.

We compare the world's most trusted money transfer services

We've listed some of the very best money transfer providers above, but we also compare other money transfer providers that offer the same service. You can find links to all of these reviews below:

Not all rates are born equal

At Exiap, we keep things nice and simple. Because every money transfer provider has different exchange rates and fees, finding the best deal can be a minefield. That's where we step in. We bring together all your options, highlight the bank transfer fees and rates per provider, and show you the best possible deals. With all the information in one place, you'll know you're making the right choice for your back pocket and peace of mind.

Transfer money to over a 100 countries

Join over 100,000 monthly users saving thousands by finding and comparing exchange rates and fees for their next international transfers. All it takes is a few taps or clicks to compare and select the lowest fees and rates available.

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